Being monitored by your boss while working from home — necessary trade-off or 'stupid' surveillance?
4 years, 2 months ago

Being monitored by your boss while working from home — necessary trade-off or 'stupid' surveillance?


How's your boss keeping tabs on your work? "But what we see right now is the technologies and the abilities are now available to really supercharge this kind of surveillance and discipline and monitoring to increasingly higher levels," Dr Sadowski says. "If one of my team members pulls away from the laptop and just starts jotting ideas down or whatever, then the software obviously doesn't capture that," he says. "With people working from home due to COVID-19, certainly anecdotally there appears to be a great number of employers who are increasingly looking to use technology to scrutinise employees and to deploy surveillance which is reaching into the home," he says. Mr Sellhorn says the software enables both the employers and employees to have the "transparency, access and control" that's needed for them to work without supervision.

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