Tobacco giant blocked from selling heated cigarette substitute in Australia
ABCEfforts by tobacco giant Philip Morris to introduce a smoke-free cigarette alternative to Australia have been blocked by an interim decision from the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Key points: Philip Morris says smokers will be disappointed over a decision to block the sale of a cigarette substitute Therapeutic Goods Administration says Heated Tobacco Products don't help people quit smoking A health expert has applauded the decision but thinks the company will keep trying to bring HTPs into the market Yesterday the TGA rejected a request by the company to reschedule nicotine under a law that would have helped get its heated tobacco products onto Australian shelves. Philip Morris spokesman Simon Breheny said the decision was disappointing for Australia's "three million smokers" who had been denied access to "less harmful" alternatives. "It puts Australia at odds with many other countries who have decided to regulate heated tobacco and smoke free alternatives," he told ABC Radio Sydney's Focus program.
History of this topic

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