Spike in complaints about bothersome young people during pandemic
NL TimesThe police are receiving more and more complaints about young people who cause nuisance. However, according to the police, the increase in complaints does not necessarily mean that young people really caused more nuisance: when people are at home they see more and may also report nuisance more quickly. The number of reports increased in all twelve provinces, but especially in Zeeland, Noord-Brabant and Overijssel there were considerably more complaints about youth nuisance in the past six months. Yet in that province the most complaints were made in relative terms in the past six months: 63 reports per 10,000 inhabitants. Of the twenty largest municipalities, Arnhem, Eindhoven, Haarlemmermeer and Enschede, among others, stand out because of a significant increase in the number of nuisance reports compared to the first six months of 2019.