Opinion: The urgent need for states to get fiscally fit
Live MintThe recent report, “State Finances: A Study of State Budgets 2018” by the Reserve Bank of India confirms what has been observed for a while; that the state of state finances is in “deep trouble” territory. States implementing wage increases reported a 28% growth in revenue expenditure while interest payments grew 16% driven by the market borrowing binge of recent years. Unlocking resources for infra-spending through asset monetization: Earlier, CRISIL Advisory had pegged India’s infrastructure investment needs during FY18 and FY22 at ₹ 50 trillion, with states having to account for 35-40% of this. Asset monetization in sectors including state highways and power transmission could possibly help recycle capital into newer infrastructure spending without adding incremental debt, crowd-in long-term private capital and bring efficiencies in management. Redressing agrarian stress durably through wholesome reforms: Loan waivers announced by states since 2014 amount to ₹ 1.69 trillion or roughly 14% of all incremental market borrowings by state governments during this period.