Rewriting the history of life in Britain after the Roman Empire: 5th century mosaic at a villa in Gloucestershire proves sophisticated life continued long into the Dark Ages, experts say
1 year, 2 months ago

Rewriting the history of life in Britain after the Roman Empire: 5th century mosaic at a villa in Gloucestershire proves sophisticated life continued long into the Dark Ages, experts say

Daily Mail  

Archaeologists have 'rewritten history' after analysing a mosaic at one of the UK's most famous Roman villas. Archaeologists have 'rewritten history' after analysing a mosaic at one of the UK's most famous Roman villas The excavation of the mosaic at the world-famous Chedworth Roman Villa in the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire, led by the National Trust A charcoal sample from the foundation trench of a wall, which the mosaic was built into, was sent for radiocarbon dating in 2017. A charcoal sample from the foundation trench of a wall, which the mosaic was built into, was sent for radiocarbon dating in 2017 The stunning mosaic can be found at Chedworth Roman Villa in the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire Martin said: 'Archive material suggests the Roman Empire collapsed in Britain in about 410 AD and after that the evidence seems to indicate that everything fell apart, but that doesn't necessarily mean it did. Martin added: 'We've used OSL to date several significant archaeological sites in the National Trust, and the additional confirmation provided by both this and our new radiocarbon dates adds weight to our conclusion that this is indeed a 5th century mosaic.' The sample, which was analysed by a scientist at the University of Gloucestershire, revealed the mosaic cannot be older than 400 AD Martin added: 'We've used OSL to date several significant archaeological sites in the National Trust, and the additional confirmation provided by both this and our new radiocarbon dates adds weight to our conclusion that this is indeed a 5th century mosaic' The mosaic was re-buried at the Romano-British villa following the excavation, to protect it from the weather.

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