John Prescott and I were New Labour’s odd couple – he was the first person I turned to in a crisis
The IndependentAlthough we all knew that the end was approaching and was inevitable, I am devastated by John’s passing. It is no exaggeration to say the Labour Party could never have won three consecutive full terms without John. He had extraordinary accomplishments: he revived many of Britain’s inner cities, was responsible for the refurbishment of thousands of council homes, the revival of British shipping, completed the Channel Tunnel rail link, established the Coalfield Regeneration Trust to breathe life back into villages and towns affected by the closure of mines – and was Britain’s lead negotiator for the Kyoto climate treaty, the world’s first attempt to agree a global response to climate change. Underneath what could be a fierce exterior – and a manner some undoubtedly found intimidating – beat a loving, kind and compassionate human heart. He will be mourned by his many friends and fans around the world, and for me personally, today is a day of profound sadness – but also immense pride in having known him and worked with him: a great man and great servant of country and party.
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Jack Straw: John Prescott had a wariness towards people like Tony Blair and me
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