Ganga: The nowhere river
FirstpostThe revered Ganga has now become a river that is coming from nowhere and going nowhere By Joydeep Gupta Devi Sureshvari Bhagavati Gange, Tribhuvana-Taarinni Tarala-Tarange | Shankara-Mauli-Vihaarini Vimale, Mama Matir-Aastaam Tava Pada-Kamale O Devi Bhagavati Ganga, the Goddess of the Devas, You liberate the Three Worlds with the merciful waves of Your Liquid Form; O the Stainless Pure One Who resides in the Head of Shankara, may my Devotion remain firmly established on Your Lotus Feet. With Bangladesh complaining bitterly about the Farakka Barrage reducing the lean season flow of the Ganga’s main distributory the Padma, the transboundary nature of the river is now very much in focus. There is one section of the river that is relatively neglected in the conversation around the state of the Ganga, and that is the Hooghly — its other major distributory, that flows past Kolkata. It has already named this stretch National Waterway Number One, though the only action so far has been dredging that has scared away the endangered river dolphin from its lone sanctuary on the Ganga.