How the 2022-23 NBA schedule was made: Everything you could ever want to know from the person in charge of it
New York TimesThe NBA released its 2022-23 schedule Wednesday, an annual exercise that seems obvious but is actually extremely complex. So a team may complain about something, but it’s not going to be the case where a team complains and we’re going to be like, “Oh, yeah, we missed that.” We’re looking at it and so it’s really just a question of trying to issue spot, and sometimes a team surprises us and says look, yes, we understand that this is fair, but we had an instance last year actually of a sort of Midwest team that had a road trip to the East Coast, one home game, and then another road trip to the East Coast. So every single Eastern Conference team this year, when they go to LA, will play both LA teams consecutively, so they won’t have to make two separate trips to LA. Which is sort of more like a baseball series, playing two straight games against one team in that team’s market. But this makes me think now, and this is the other part of my question, you have all these games now that you’re playing in LA and New York, it seems like you’ve kind of reached the limits of how few back-to-backs you can schedule per team, and you’re now adding these two games series to them.