MK Stalin attacks BJP over 'saffron' Doordarshan logo, says 'such fascism...'
Hindustan TimesDMK president and Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin on Sunday attacked the Bharatiya Janata Party for the Central government's decision to change the colour of the logo of national broadcaster Doordarshan from red to orange, claiming the BJP was conspiring to ‘saffronise’ everything.He said the Lok Sabha elections' results will show that the people have risen up against "such fascism". Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin shows his fingers marked with indelible ink after casting his vote for the first phase of Lok Sabha elections. In a post on X, MK Stalin said Doordarshan had been given a "saffron stain". It is absolutely unethical, grossly illegal, and speaks loudly of the pro-BJP bias of the national public broadcaster," the Trinamool Congress leader had said in a post on X.