We live in Britain's benefits capitals... we don't want cash handouts - but there are NO jobs out there
6 days, 2 hours ago

We live in Britain's benefits capitals... we don't want cash handouts - but there are NO jobs out there

Daily Mail  

The people who call some of Britain's benefits hotspots 'home' have revealed what life is really like living in an area where so many are on the breadline. 'I think the mental health issue is complicated as sometimes people are struggling with things like addiction which can take longer for people to get back on their feet and find employment,' he said. Mr Keane added that while he has heard of people struggling for jobs, it's hard to quantify as more people turn to online to work rather than queue up outside the job centre. Business owner Derek Adjei, 51, told MailOnline that 'slashing the benefits today is like sweeping all those people into the streets' but added a fundamental shift in social care is needed in the UK. Bradford Andrew McQuade, 55, was itching to get back to work as a quarry man despite nursing a recently broken right arm Busker Ruth Lisgo, 41, was entertaining locals in Bradford as a singer, belting out classics such as Abba's Dancing Queen over her microphone Locals in Bradford were divided over the reasons for the city being branded a benefit hotspot, with some in work hitting out at scroungers but those on benefits complaining there were no jobs.

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