Follow these steps to share WhatsApp status on Facebook- Tips
India TV NewsWe all are so habituated with WhatsApp that we cannot think of passing our day without this application. It has been a while since WhatsApp introduced the feature of sharing WhatsApp status on Facebook, but unfortunately, many users are still unaware of the same. Here we bring to you steps that can help you understand how to share WhatsApp status on Facebook. Steps to share status from WhatsApp to Facebook: Open WhatsApp Navigate to Status Make a status update Once the status is updated, you will find three doted icon When clicking on the icon we will get the options for where else to share Forward Share… Share to Facebook Delete To share the status on Facebook, click on ‘Share to Facebook’ Once you click, you will see a redirected window for Facebook Story will get opened Now, you can choose with whom you would like to share your status- Friends Public Hide the story from Custom 1 2 Share Status from WhatsApp to Facebook How to share on iPhone Go to Share My Status on iPhone Then click on More Select share to Facebook Click on Share Now To get access to the Facebook app, click on the ‘Allow’ or ‘Open if requested’ option. You can choose whom to choose to whom you wish to share within the Facebook app and then click on the option of ‘Share Now’.