China Daily新中国成立70年来,我国人口总量平稳增长,人口素质显著提升,为经济社会持续健康发展注入了强大活力,为中国经济腾飞提供了宝贵的人力资源。 一群小学生在安徽合肥滨湖森林公园研学。图片来源:中国日报 In the past 70 years, China's total population has increased to nearly 1.4 billion in 2018 from 540 million in 1949, bracing for remarkable demographic shifts toward a healthier and more educated population. 然而,随着基本医疗全覆盖以及大病治疗方面取得的重大突破,2018年,我国人均预期寿命达到77岁,较1949年翻了一倍多。 Meanwhile, the infant mortality rate, another important marker of the overall health of a country, also witnessed a stark contrast from 200 deaths per thousand live births since the founding of New China to 6.1 deaths per thousand live births in 2018. 一份行业报告显示,受全民运动热潮的影响,截至2019年5月底,我国体育健身产业的月活跃用户量达到6422万人,同比增长1.7%。 图片来源:新华社 从“人口红利”到“人才红利” After going through a rapid growth period from 1949 to 1970, China's population has been steadily expanding at a slower pace, settling at a rate of about 0.5 percent since 1991. 1949年到1970年间,我国人口经历了高速增长阶段,1991年以来,我国人口增长率稳步下降,最终在0.5%左右的增速上保持平稳。 Even though the world's most populous country has seen a downward trend in the number of working-age people in recent years, its gross workforce remained at about 900 million in 2018.