Google Pixel 6a deal: 20% discount at Amazon
The IndependentSign up to our free weekly IndyTech newsletter delivered straight to your inbox Sign up to our free IndyTech newsletter Sign up to our free IndyTech newsletter SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. For £399 it unlocks access to the full suite of Pixel-exclusive features, while trimming away some of the super high-end hardware ” While a decent saving on a brilliant little phone, this isn’t the cheapest we’ve seen Google’s cheapest Pixel go for. If you’re looking for an even faster phone with a better screen and greater performance, there’s also a 38 per cent discount on the Google Pixel 6 Pro. Google Pixel 6a: Was £399, now £320, open image in gallery This smartphone from Google has a long list of impressive features, ranging from slick photo-editing, adaptive battery management, live language translation and Google Assistant abilities. In our Pixel 6a review, we said: “the Pixel 6a dials back some of the most premium hardware features of the more expensive models, while cramming in all of the clever Google software features that make Pixel phones worth shouting about.” With 20 per cent off at Amazon, you’re getting even more bang for your buck.