The chilling reason evil mother gave for hiding 'emaciated' boy, 3, in urine-soaked conservatory with lizard and rabbit with only pet food to eat
3 months ago

The chilling reason evil mother gave for hiding 'emaciated' boy, 3, in urine-soaked conservatory with lizard and rabbit with only pet food to eat

Daily Mail  

'If either of you treated a dog like that, you would be going to prison'. The couple from Nottingham, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were found to have habitually left the young boy alone in the conservatory away from their other children with only a pet lizard and rabbit to keep him company. The couple, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were sentenced at Nottingham Crown Court after severely neglecting their son to the point he tried to eat pet food Judge Steven Coupland said at the court: 'It was obvious he had been severely neglected over a period of time' The boy weighed just 6.2kg - 7.8kg less than he should for a someone his age. Nottingham Crown Court heard that the mother told officers the boy, one of their three children, was a 'picky eater' and that he did not want to eat anything on the day he collapsed. To even the judge's surprise, it was said that social services and family court had decided to return the boy to the parents' care after spending nine months with social services and with one set of grandparents.

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