ABC listen
1 month, 3 weeks ago

ABC listen


Myf Warhurst discusses 20 years of Spicks and Specks and taking out last nights AACTA award for Best Entertainment Program, and Perth father David Williams was given $20,000 from Drake after being picked out with his family at the Perth concert. - ABC's "This Day Tonight" which aired in August 1967 with the ABC's Peter Luck who asked kids they liked doing on their school holidays? - WA cricketer Copper Connolly's father Shane speaks to Corbin Middlemas about his sons debut in the baggy green for Australia - Dr Krista Nicolson, Murdoch University reveals the latest good news regarding some missing dolphins which have returned - Jo Matthews, Events Manager Waitangi Day Perth explains why they've moved the celebrations from Mandurah to Perth and what to expect - Bruce Billson, Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman discusses why more small businesses are finding it hard to stay out of the red - Myf Warhurst discusses 20 years of Spicks and Specks and taking out last nights AACTA award for Best Entertainment Program - Kate Leaver speaks with Shona Treadgold and Anna Reece heads at the East Perth Powerstation which opens tonight as part of the Perth Festival - Margie Oldfield, Team Connect win WA Community Sport Volunteer of the Year - Perth father David Williams was given $20,000 from Drake after being picked out with his family at the Perth concert

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