Wildfires have charred more than 1 million acres in California this year — and fire season is far from over
LA TimesThis Aug. 3, photo by European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst aboard the International Space Station, provided by NASA, shows smoke from California’s Carr and Ferguson fires blowing eastward across the western United States. The Ferguson fire Size: 96,901 acres Percent of perimeter contained: 100% Start date: July 13 Cause: Unknown The Ferguson fire shut down Yosemite Valley for almost three weeks. The Hirz fire Size: 46,150 acres Percent of perimeter contained: 89% Start date: Aug. 9 Cause: Human Burning 18 miles northeast of Redding in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, the Hirz fire has made air already smoky from the Carr fire worse. The Stone fire Size: 39,387 acres Percent of perimeter contained: 100% Start date: Aug. 15 Cause: Lightning One of three fires ignited by lightning in the Modoc National Forest, the Stone fire burned through timber, brush and tall grass near Yellow Jacket Spring. The Holy fire Size: 23,136 acres Percent of perimeter contained: 93% Start date: Aug. 6 Cause: Human Shortly after the Holy fire began, Forrest Gordon Clark, 51, was taken into custody on suspicion of arson.