Expert has a brilliant strategy for Democrats to protect their agenda from the Supreme Court
Raw StoryAlthough Democrats now control the White House and both houses of Congress, there is one branch of the federal government where their ideas presently have very little influence: the U.S. Supreme Court. Instead of thinking about court packing, Poddar suggests, Democrats should consider "another way to stop the Court from totally derailing progressive economic reform that Democrats can use right now." "Democrats could deploy a new legislative tactic that has never been tried before: They can include 'clearly constitutional' precautionary backup provisions in progressive legislation that would automatically take effect if the primary policies in the bill are invalidated," Poddar recommends. "As a precaution," Poddar explains, "the speaker could insert an automatic backup provision into the wealth tax bill, which stipulates that if the wealth tax is invalidated by the courts, the stimulus program will instead be funded by dramatically increasing marginal income tax rates for high-income earners to 80%. When they pass legislation, Poddar recommends, Democrats need to come up with "backup provisions" to protect "progressive economic policies that are at risk of judicial invalidation."