Land Acquisition Compensation : Deduction For Development Costs Is To Made To Arrive At Market Value Of Undeveloped Land
Live LawIn a case related to land acquisition compensation, the Supreme Court has approved the deduction of 50% towards developmental costs. Referring to precedents, the Court observed that deduction for development is to be made to arrive at the market value of large tracts of undeveloped agricultural land. ".we find that deduction towards the development cost at the rate of 50% is warranted in the facts of the present case", the Court said in it judgment. The development authority will also incur considerable expenditure for development of undeveloped land into a developed layout, which includes the cost of levelling the land, cost of providing roads, underground drainage and sewage facilities, laying water lines, electricity lines and developing parks and civil amenities, which would be about 35% of the value of the developed plot.