Nancy Pelosi should take the White House's deal for a $1.6 trillion relief bill.
SlateIt’s time for Nancy Pelosi to stop playing hardball. And now, the president seems to be feeling some regret: He’s reportedly told House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy that he once again wants a big deal, and Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin are back to discussing whether a comprehensive agreement might be possible. After all, the politics of all this are absolutely abysmal for the president, who—let’s say it again—got loaded on meds and publicly ordered his party to spend its time hustling his Supreme Court nominee onto the bench instead of doing something to help struggling families and businesses in the middle of a pandemic, before impotently wailing for Democrats to just pass the parts of a bill he likes, and is now presently in the mood to negotiate again. Without government support, failing businesses are going to spend the next several months laying off their workers, many of whom won’t be able to pay their bills with the unemployment benefits now on offer. When Senate Finance Committee Chair Chuck Grassley was asked whether he’d back it, he responded, “No.” Presumably, this legislation would have to pass through the chamber, and McConnell’s gritted teeth, with Democratic votes.