Americans’ views on abortion diverge along more than just partisan lines
CNNCNN — Americans’ views on abortion are sharply divided across partisan lines, CNN’s latest polling shows: An overwhelming 88% of Democrats want to see Roe vs. Wade upheld, while a smaller 63% majority of Republicans want to see it overturned. Younger Republicans and Republican-leaners are also more likely than their older counterparts to say they’d favor relatively permissive abortion laws in their state if Roe were overturned, 45% to 19%. And just above half say their views on abortion matches up most closely with those held by the Republican Party, with 22% saying they’re closer to the Democrats, and 24% that they’re not well-aligned with either party – significantly more of a partisan divergence than among older Republicans, or among Democrats of either age group. Among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who identify as evangelical, 76% favor overturning Roe and 54% would be happy to see it overturned; among those who don’t, those numbers are 49% and 21% respectively.