Jeffrey Epstein has died by suicide, sources say
CNNNew York CNN — Jailed multimillionaire financier and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein has died by suicide, two law enforcement sources said Saturday, one day after a court unsealed new details of the claims against him. US Attorney General William Barr said Saturday that he was “appalled” to learn Epstein died of an apparent suicide in federal custody. The US attorney in Manhattan, Geoffrey Berman, called the day’s events “disturbing.” “We are deeply aware of their potential to present yet another hurdle to giving Epstein’s many victims their day in Court,” he said. “Among those who share blame in Epstein’s death, he said, is a “hysterical press corps clamoring to recharge Mr. Epstein with dated crimes for which he’d long since paid his debt to society under an arm’s length plea deal – just because he had the misfortune to be a wealthy man in the #metoo era whose former prosecutor happened to take a job with President Trump,” Fernich’s statement reads. In addition to a “vast trove” of lewd photographs of what appeared to be underage girls, agents found compact discs that indicated they showed individuals other than Epstein, with hand-written labels that read, “Young +.” Civil lawsuits could continue Though criminal charges won’t be pursued against a deceased defendant, accusers still could file civil lawsuits seeking money from Epstein’s estate, CNN legal analyst Paul Callan said.