Meet MC Altaf, The Rapper Who Taught Ranveer Singh ‘Gully Slangs’
The QuintWhen asked about Gully Boy, he was really happy to say that this movie is going to bring about a change in the hip-hop culture in India and also said that no other actor could have done justice to this role other than Ranveer. Altaf told us that the hip hop scene has started reaching all age groups and genders because of this film and that, after the screening, an uncle walked up to him and said, “I had no idea about hip-hop before son, but now after going home, I will only listen to rap music”. He said that, “Every boy living in a ghetto will be able to relate to this movie because it is their actual story and the events shown in the film would have happened to each one at a different point of time in their lives”. But, one thing that bothered him which he thinks should be fixed in a sequel to this movie is that he wants to see more female representation in the hip-hop culture and not keep it a male-dominated scene.