How did Eton become the ultimate four-letter word and not fit for a king?
The IndependentIt is hard to think of a more powerful four-letter word in the English language than Eton. It, therefore, might come as little surprise that it looks likely – although unconfirmed – that the Prince and Princess of Wales look set not to send Prince George to his father’s old school, but rather to Marlborough, where his mother apparently thrived. While all schools have them, those from Eton are very much in the public eye, such as the likes of Alexander Nix from Cambridge Analytica, who was filmed a few years ago informing a reporter posing as a prospective client what nefarious tactics he could use to help him win an election – entrapment, bribery, Ukrainian sex workers, shell companies, employees posing as tourists and research students, and of course, the dissemination of fake news. open image in gallery Eton was established in 1440, allowing it to build a well-known alumni, to put it lightly The biggest current rogue is, of course, Boris Johnson, who has done much to “prove” to the public that Etonians are a rum lot. open image in gallery If the school was co-ed, and Charlotte could go there with George, maybe things would be different Finally, there is the simple matter that Eton is not co-educational.
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