How Ukraine got caught up in Donald Trump’s impeachment battle
Live MintUkraine is the unwitting participant in a political battle in Washington between President Donald Trump and the Democrats ahead of the 2020 election. According to Trump, Biden had Shokin fired because he was investigating the activities of Biden's son Hunter, who was working for a Ukrainian gas company called Burisma. Trump's personal attorney Rudolph Giuliani also alleges some officials in Ukraine conspired to help Trump's Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton in 2016 by leaking information damaging to Trump's then-campaign manager, Paul Manafort. Shokin's critics included his deputy, Vitaliy Kasko, who publicly resigned in February 2016 saying the General Prosecutor's office was a "brake on the reform of criminal justice, a hotbed of corruption". While Trump calls Shokin a "tough prosecutor" and Giuliani asserts that Shokin was fired for investigating Burisma, Pyatt accused Shokin's office of deliberately undermining a probe into Burisma's founder both in Ukraine and in Great Britain.