US journalist aims to help the world understand China
3 years, 5 months ago

US journalist aims to help the world understand China

China Daily  

Erik Nilsson Erik Nilsson, an American journalist who works at China Daily and a recipient of the Chinese Government Friendship Award, held a talk to promote his new book in Shanghai on July 16. Divided into four parts, the book chronicles Nilsson's experience of reporting on the Sichuan earthquake, his volunteering stint in Qinghai province, China's poverty alleviation projects and the country's economic progress along the Yangtze River. Erik Nilsson, an American journalist who works at China Daily and a recipient of the Chinese Government Friendship Award, held a talk to promote his new book in Shanghai on July 16. Because of his exemplary journalistic works and volunteering stints, Nilsson was in 2006 awarded the Chinese Government Friendship Award, the highest honor that can be conferred to foreigners who have contributed to China's development.

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