Jury finds Illinois landlord guilty of murder, hate crime in 2023 attack on Palestinian American boy
New Indian ExpressJOLIET: A jury found an Illinois landlord guilty of murder and hate crime charges Friday for the brutal killing of a 6-year-old whose mother rented rooms in the man's home, an attack that spiked fears over anti-Muslim discrimination in the earliest days of Israel's genocidal war in Gaza. Ben Crump, the national civil rights attorney representing Shaheen, released a statement calling the verdict a "measure of justice." "Wadee was an innocent six-year-old child whose life was stolen in an act of unimaginable violence fueled by hatred," the statement said. We must honor Wadee's memory by continuing to fight against hate in all its forms and working toward a future where every child is safe, valued, and free from violence," the statement added.
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