Spot an ancient burial mound from your armchair for science
4 years, 9 months ago

Spot an ancient burial mound from your armchair for science

Dutch News  

The Dutch landscape is dotted with ancient burial mounds, Celtic fields and cart tracks and eagle-eyed volunteers can now help discover them without leaving the comfort of their armchair. Project Heritage Quest uses high-resolution elevation maps created by airplanes fitted with lasers which can pass through often dense vegetation to reveal the telltale signs of activities or structures left behind by ancient populations. Last year some 2,000 volunteers pored over them to find hundreds of previously undiscovered burial mounds on the Veluwe national park and Celtic fields stretching for kilometres. ‘Our main aim is to protect ancient heritage sites but if we don’t know where they are we can’t protect them,’ project leader Eva Kaptijn told broadcaster NOS.

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