Review of Angela Saini’s The Patriarchs — How Men Came to Rule: Gender rights and wrongs
The HinduAngela Saini opens her inquiry into the origins of patriarchy, or “gendered oppression”, with a timeline and a map of the world in The Patriarchs: How Men Came to Rule. The gaps between notable dates, as you can see, are vast, but in the last third of the timeline, we are firmly in the 20th and 21st centuries, with the last two entries belonging to the same year, 2022, with the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe vs Wade’s assertion of the federal right to abortion, and twenty something Mahsa Amini’s death in Tehran after her arrest by Iran’s morality police sparking among the most robust challenges to the post-Shah regime. Root of gender inequality The instances of matriliny in today’s world and multiple science-based readings about societies long past show there is nothing inevitable about patriarchy. These rights must be secured and vastly expanded; and her survey of the past is given added urgency with her closing rebuttal to those who may “claim that oppression is permanently woven into who we are”: “.would we still manage to care about each other so much if that were true?” The Patriarchs: How Men Came to Rule; Angela Saini, HarperCollins, ₹699.