The Woman’s Mother Is Making Up Whole Lies to Avoid Visiting Her Family
1 week, 5 days ago

The Woman’s Mother Is Making Up Whole Lies to Avoid Visiting Her Family


Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. If she’s routinely helping to care for your sister’s kid, that might make travel more challenging, but she should still be able to talk with your sister and plan ahead for the occasional trip. Dear Care and Feeding, * Your letter signoff Your pronouns Your email Submit Dear Care and Feeding, What are your policies around keeping your kids’ secrets, especially from your co-parents? Dear Secret’s Safe, I also don’t keep information about our kids from my spouse, but I don’t know that sticking to a hard and fast “policy” around all secrets needs to be the goal. That doesn’t mean you can’t try to establish a foundation of honesty and information sharing; in general, “no big secrets in our family” seems like a fine standard to shoot for.

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