My Niece Believed She Was Abused By A Satanic Cult. The Truth Is Even Scarier.
6 years, 11 months ago

My Niece Believed She Was Abused By A Satanic Cult. The Truth Is Even Scarier.

Huff Post  

Bubbers13 via Getty Images I know I am just one among millions of people who feels profoundly dismayed by the realization that the truth has, in our political environment, become as unstable as sand in a high surf. Dozens of innocent day care workers were charged, and many convicted, of sadistic sexual abuse of children, despite no physical evidence ever surfacing to corroborate the supposed victims’ testimonies. “What made seeking the truth even more difficult was that those caught in the sway of the panic disavowed anyone who didn’t embrace their beliefs. Their prevailing creed was: If you don’t believe us, you must be in league with them.” So devious, so sophisticated was the cult ― I was told ― that it never left behind any tracks. What made seeking the truth even more difficult was that those caught in the sway of the panic disavowed anyone who didn’t embrace their beliefs.

History of this topic

I grew up in the Satanic Panic — and it’s happening again
1 year, 9 months ago

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