Acidic oceans threatening life on Earth
China DailyA fisherman catches fish in the waters of the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Jaffna, Sri Lanka on Sept 17. It said safe levels have already been exceeded in six of the nine areas because of human activity, and the dangerously high levels of acidification in the planet's oceans could soon become the seventh. The PIK's report, titled Planetary Health Check, said the acidification of the oceans not only makes it harder for them to support life directly but also means they are less able to help stabilize the climate by continuing to absorb CO2 emissions. The PIK said it developed its set of nine planetary danger levels to help make people aware of how close we have come to pushing some of the planet's natural systems beyond the point of no return. Levke Caesar, a climate physicist at PIK and a co-author of the report, said ocean acidification is getting worse everywhere, but is especially bad in the Southern Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.