Behind the story: She was researching an article on witches — and found a path to self-empowerment
LA TimesI’d never met the Oracle of Los Angeles, also known as Amanda Yates Garcia, but we have a friend in common, and I’d been getting her newsletter for years. But in witchcraft, “they are accepted as powerful and literally seen as the root of power in the feminine form.” The next witch I met was Loba Loca, a bruja-healer-activist, who uses the pronouns they/them. Melinda Lee Holm and I discussed what the word “witch” means to her: “A witch is someone who works with the Earth, recognizes that connection and uses this ancient knowledge to become a wise elder who cares for the community,” she said. “Taking care of the community is so needed right now.” Column one: The working witches of Los Angeles just want you to be your best self » On a phone call, the witch and spirit guide Aja Daashuur talked about the power of word magic — repeating mantras to yourself. Melinda Lee Holm says being a witch means to “work with the Earth, recognizes that connection and uses this ancient knowledge” for the community.
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The working witches of Los Angeles just want you to be your best self
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