Do Sustainability Efforts Make Companies Attractive to Everyone?
5 years ago

Do Sustainability Efforts Make Companies Attractive to Everyone?

The Quint  

“I think that many of the investments that we do make, or we have made, also make good business sense,” an executive at a large drinks manufacturer told me. “If you were using less electricity, if you are using less water, if you are managing to send less waste to landfill, if you are lightweight in your bottles – there is a strong economic business case for doing that.” But even big investments in things like renewable energy could pay off remarkably quickly, he added. “Certainly we’ve had investments that have had longer pay back periods, that have had lower rates of return. For the moment, I just want to underline that there is a discernible shift in business toward appreciating these financial benefits, be it through cost reduction, sales boosts, reputation boosts, risk reduction, sustainable innovation, or employee retention or attraction.

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