Uranium cube could reveal more about Nazi plot to build a nuclear bomb
3 years, 4 months ago

Uranium cube could reveal more about Nazi plot to build a nuclear bomb

Daily Mail  

Scientists are investigating uranium cubes that may have formed part of Hitler's plot to build a nuclear bomb during World War II. As neutrons bombarded the uranium-235 atoms in the cubes, the atoms would have split, releasing enormous amounts of energy It is known that Hitler pursued the goal of developing a nuclear bomb and wanted his V-2 rockets to be able to carry them to destroy Britain. The German scientists had hoped radioactive decay of the uranium in the assemblies would unleash a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction – but the design failed. On April 20, 1945, the Alsos mission captured the town of Haigerloch and dismantled the nuclear reactor This is an unexpected finding since Heisenberg's group used a cyanide-based coating.

History of this topic

Physicist says Nazis tried to make a nuclear reactor after receiving a mysterious cube of uranium
5 years, 8 months ago

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