Warren backer: We’re shell-shocked (opinion)
CNNEditor’s Note: Jeff Yang is a frequent contributor to CNN Opinion, a featured writer for Quartz and other publications, and the co-host of the podcast “They Call Us Bruce.” He co-wrote Jackie Chan’s best-selling autobiography, “I Am Jackie Chan,” and is the editor of three graphic novels: “Secret Identities,” “Shattered” and the forthcoming “New Frontiers.” The opinions expressed in this commentary are his. Jeff Yang CNN The heartbreak began when we saw Super Tuesday’s returns – vote totals that fell well short of even pessimistic estimates of what the Warren campaign could expect. Meanwhile, in this cycle, let’s remember that Warren saw a rocket-boost spike in her popularity that made her the undisputed front-runner for the better part of October – right after Sanders had his heart attack. Plus, the 60-odd delegates that Warren has likely earned total, with California still counting, would almost exactly close the current gap between Biden and Sanders – eliminating the former’s current advantage.