The enormity of job challenge that India faces
Live MintWhile there is no clarity on the extent of jobs created in the economy since 2011-12, there is no disagreement that the economy has failed to create enough jobs. The unrest among farmers driven by declining incomes is also a manifestation of the problem of employment in a country with almost half of the total workforce working in agriculture. The most conservative estimate is the sum of 10-12 million young entrants to the workforce every year along with 7-8 million workers moving out of agriculture every year. The last robust estimate of the number of workers moving out of agriculture every year is 7 million per year, based on the Employment-Unemployment Surveys of the National Sample Survey Office of 2004-05 and 2011-12. But a more liberal estimate would also include a large majority of workers in agriculture who continue to remain in agriculture, but are forced to seek out jobs in the non-farm sector to supplement incomes.