How did the Uluru Statement from the Heart lead to the Voice referendum?
ABCPrime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced the referendum on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament will be held on October 14 this year. It also called for a Makarrata Commission to supervise the process of "agreement-making" — or a treaty — and "truth-telling" between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the federal government. In May 2017, the First Nations National Constitutional Convention – a group of more than 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders – met over four days at the foot of Uluru in Central Australia to talk about the recognition of First Nations people in the Australian Constitution. The Uluru Statement also called for a Makarrata Commission to be established "to supervise a process of agreement-making between governments and First Nations and truth-telling about our history". Uluru Statement From The Heart, in full We, gathered at the 2017 National Constitutional Convention, coming from all points of the southern sky, make this statement from the heart: Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign nations of the Australian continent and its adjacent islands, and possessed it under our own laws and customs.
History of this topic

Uluru Statement architect Megan Davis says she was open to calling off Voice referendum
Missed opportunity: The Hindu Editorial on the Australia referendum on giving voice to Indigenous peoples
The Hindu
Failed referendum on Indigenous rights sets back Australian government plans to become a republic
Associated Press
Failed referendum on Indigenous rights sets back Australian government plans to become a republic
The Independent
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Final arguments are being made before Australia’s vote Saturday to create Indigenous Voice
Associated Press
Voice to Parliament explained: Here are the answers to your most-asked questions about the referendum
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If you don't know, ask us: Uluru Statement of the heart architects plea to Aussies who don't know enough about the Voice to Parliament
Daily Mail
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Daily Mail
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Daily Mail
The Voice referendum could be Australia's date with destiny, and it may never come around again
Australian prime minister will set a referendum date for Indigenous Voice to Parliament
Associated Press
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Daily Mail
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Daily Mail
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Voice, Treaty, Truth: How the three pillars of the Uluru Statement from the Heart are connected
Daily Mail
Anthony Albanese's concert-T shirt and Jodie Haydon's LinkedIn posts dramatically contradict the PM's claim a treaty won't come after the Voice
Daily Mail
Indigenous community's handling of COVID shows why Voice to Parliament needed, Fiona Stanley says
After the Voice to Parliament comes Makarrata under Uluru Statement from the Heart
Daily Mail
Indigenous Australians minister says the proposed Voice to Parliament will be an 'active' and 'engaged' body
Multicultural groups are pledging their support for the Voice, but some people say they still know 'zero' about it
Voice campaigner calls for overhaul of the National Indigenous Australians Agency ahead of Uluru Statement anniversary
Promise check: Hold a referendum to constitutionally enshrine a Voice to Parliament in the first term
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SA becomes first Australian jurisdiction to create First Nations Voice to Parliament as historic bill passes
The Voice debate turned a corner this week but it's splintered into so many shards that confuse and dazzle
How will WA's vast landscape and wide array of Indigenous viewpoints affect how it votes in Voice referendum?
What are Australia's plans for Indigenous Voice?
The Independent
What are Australia’s plans for Indigenous Voice?
Associated Press
Voice to Parliament referendum question and constitutional amendment announced
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Australia to hold referendum on Indigenous ‘Voice’ next year
Al Jazeera
Uluru Statement co-author makes the case for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament
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Push for Indigenous Voice to Parliament is about justice and unity, not identity politics, Noel Pearson says
Australia moves to give Indigenous people a voice to parliament
Al Jazeera
Push for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament ramps up, as PM promises referendum next financial year
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