Noem pushes emergency bills, but doctors say it’s not enough
4 years, 9 months ago

Noem pushes emergency bills, but doctors say it’s not enough

Associated Press  

Kristi Noem on Thursday said she will pitch legislators on a series of 10 emergency bills to address what she believes will be a months-long fight against the coronavirus, but a leading doctor’s group says she is not currently doing enough to stop its spread. “In an effort to provide my team the flexibility it needs to respond to these situations, I’m asking legislators to support a handful of measures that will enable the government to take action to protect public health and reflect the reality of social distancing,” Noem said in a statement. The governor is also pushing to allow the Secretary of Health to put restrictions on group gatherings, add COVID-19 to the list of reasons the Department of Health can petition courts to close businesses, waive in-person teaching requirements and state assessments for schools, extend the grace period for driver’s license renewals, allow her to suspend certain statutes during emergencies, and grant counties the authority to pass emergency measures to close businesses. Noem also said that tests returned negative for three women who were apprehended after escaping from the Women’s Prison in Pierre, where an inmate tested positive this week.

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