'Oh, I'm not living without sex. Bloody hell!' VANESSA FELTZ on dating a year after her split from love rat Ben Ofoedu and what it felt like to finally spend an evening alone after 390 nights out in a
Daily MailVanessa Feltz is twirling around her living room like a whirling dervish, skirts flying. There are a lot of us around.’ Vanessa Feltz, 61, wears a £139 floral dress from her collection 4Love.uk It is just over a year since Vanessa's personal life imploded. She has supported me, as I did her.’ Ditto Holly Willoughby: ‘A genuinely intuitive person, the sort who can tell there is something wrong in your life before you even tell them.’ Having endlessly shared details of her excellent sex life when she was with Ben, has – how to put this – the adjustment been difficult? She told one: ‘I was peeling the vegetables for dinner one day – and ended up leaving a trail of celery and leeks for him, leading to me, spread-eagled on the bed in what I hoped was an alluring position!’ Vanessa shows off her engagement ring as Ben Ofoedu embraces her ‘It seems to me that when you get to an age – I’m not sure what age they mean – there is this assumption that you morph into someone who has “old person” thoughts and feelings. ‘I’d have been excellent, but there was no point even asking.’ For 12 years she did two radio shows a day every weekday for the BBC, and was also a frequent face on TV.
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'If you're never going to get there it's only polite!' Vanessa Feltz admits to faking orgasms
Daily Mail
Vanessa Feltz reveals her and Ben Ofoedu's VERY racy sex life
Daily Mail
Vanessa Feltz candidly discusses her sex life with fiancé Ben Ofoedu
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