Southern NSW amalgamated councils denied request to reinstate old boundaries
3 years, 5 months ago

Southern NSW amalgamated councils denied request to reinstate old boundaries


A request from two communities in southern NSW to demerge their local councils has been knocked back by the NSW Local Government Minister. Key points: The Snowy Valley and Cootamundra-Gundagai Shire Councils were formed in 2016 The Local Government Minister has knocked back propsals to demerge them to their former boundaries The four Local Government Boundaries Commissioners were split on the decision in their report to the Minister Minister Shelley Hancock had asked the state Boundaries Commission to examine proposals to demerge the Snowy Valleys and Cootamundra-Gundagai Councils, which had been forced to merge in 2016. “This provides both councils with certainty and a plan for the future.” In announcing the decision not to demerge the Councils, Ms Hancock also revealed she had ordered a review into the "membership composition, functions and processes of the Local Government Boundaries Commission". Rate rise sought Both councils are seeking permission to increase rates above the rate peg, with options for a 15 to 32 per cent cumulative increase over two years in the Snowy Valleys Regional Council and 62.6 per cent over five years in the Cootamundra-Gundagai Council. Cootamundra-Gundagai Mayor Abb McAlister has referred to his council's rate proposal as an "amalgamation tax," arguing it would not be needed if the councils had not been forced to merge.

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