How Skylight became one of L.A.’s most beloved indie bookstores
2 years, 8 months ago

How Skylight became one of L.A.’s most beloved indie bookstores

LA Times  

This story is part of Lit City, our comprehensive guide to the literary geography of Los Angeles. “The bookstores that have made it have learned some really valuable lessons each time,” said Mary Williams, the bookstore’s co-owner and general manager. They also have good philosophy, anarchy, weird psychedelic drug trip stuff that I’m always interested in.” — Erik Bartz, 36, Palm Springs, with a copy of “Native Intoxicants of North America” tucked under his arm Read All Read Less Route 1818 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, California 90027 Call 660-1175 Website Route Details In the beginning Slattery didn’t take much of a salary, she said. “I feel like I used the same 25 paper clips for three years,” said Steven Salardino, who’s worked at Skylight since it opened. They also have good philosophy, anarchy, weird psychedelic drug trip stuff that I’m always interested in,” he said, a copy of Sean Rafferty’s “Native Intoxicants of North America” tucked under his arm.

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