TIFF 2018: Why do smart women get sexually harassed?
Deccan ChronicleToronto, Sep 12: A lazy, banal, sexist question almost always gets asked of women, especially successful women — How do you balance your family and work? It also knows the answer it wants — a daunting, inspiring list of daily chores that needs to get done first, beginning with kids’ school, husband’s needs, the daily menu, entertaining friends, family time and only then, finally, her own job. Aviad says that through the film, whose script she began researching in 2011, she wanted to explore the “grey areas around sexual harassment” — the small trespasses, micro aggressions that the law doesn’t acknowledge, and our convoluted, complex relationships. It shows how sexual harassment at work affects everything, whether you report it or don’t — family, relationships, life, future prospects.