Laura Woods: This job has come at the expense of some relationships
The TelegraphIt was something that Woods and McCoist managed daily with self-deprecating wit on a channel that had long been the bastion of what we might call laddish sports banter. “Ally is the best – and I’m so chuffed that we have been reunited,” says Woods. I don’t know anyone who can be as warm, funny and really bloody good at their job.” The mutual appreciation between Woods and McCoist is instantly obvious in conversation with the latter in the nearby Observatory pub later that same afternoon. I’d just let her get on with it.” A legendary goal-scorer as a player, and a broadcaster in one form or another for the past 27 years, McCoist has been around football and television for long enough to know their current golden status can easily change. “We were always a little bit close to the mark … we didn’t get many new clothes when we were younger.