Why our improved shopping and cooking habits should continue post-lockdown
The IndependentWith just nine days to go until the end of lockdown restrictions, I’ve been reflecting back on how much has changed when it comes to food shopping, due to the pandemic. From recipe delivery boxes to top quality meat and milk that needed to be diverted as its usual restaurant buyers were forced to temporarily close, and from DIY burger kits to Michelin-starred finish-at-home packages that replicated eating out, many producers had to make changes in order to stay afloat. Yes, with that comes a higher price tag, but if it’s something like meat that you’re no longer buying from intensive farms that supply supermarkets and instead are getting from your butcher, albeit less regularly, it’s better quality for you, and supports your local network of producers. Many people can receive a delivery that they wouldn’t have been around to take before, especially if it’s in a vague four-hour time slot, or contains something that needs immediately refrigerating. I hope it’s a change that sticks as restrictions are fully lifted, as it makes life a whole lot better to eat good food.