Music fans head for breath of fresh air
China DailyPerformers take to the stage as Blue Note Beijing reopens. Event at Olympic venue marks return of live performances Fans are poised to head to an outdoor music festival being staged at a venue for the 2022 Winter Olympics, marking the return of live performances for the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the country's top rock bands will share stages on Saturday and Sunday at the Midi Music Festival in Chongli district, Zhangjiakou, Hebei province. Known as "China's Woodstock", a reference to an acclaimed United States rock festival in 1969, the Midi Music Festival, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, has propelled many domestic indie rock outfits to fame. Chongli, Hebei province, about 220 kilometers from Beijing, was chosen to host the first major outdoor Midi Music Festival, as the location is a popular ski resort covering some 40,000 square meters.