TCM, acupuncture gain popularity in Indonesia
China DailyYoung Indonesian doctors attend an acupuncture training course run by TCM doctor Juliana Tjandra, vice-president of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion. Range of treatments in high demand in Southeast Asian archipelago In Merauke, an Indonesian town with a population of 130,000, the only store selling traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM, also takes online orders for a range of other Chinese medicinal products. Store owner Siswanto, who like many Indonesians has only one name, said he was surprised that athletes and officials attending an event in the town in October were still using TCM products bought from his store some time ago. With the number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia falling, those attending the event were using TCM products from the shop to maintain their health and stamina and treat their injuries.