Victorian government under pressure from Greens, opposition to speed up integrity reforms
2 years, 7 months ago

Victorian government under pressure from Greens, opposition to speed up integrity reforms


The Victorian government is under pressure to speed up promised integrity reforms, following a scathing report detailing "extensive" misconduct by its MPs. Key points: The Greens will introduce legislation this week to fast track anti-corruption measures The proposed bill aims to stifle the influence of lobbyists and make ministerial diaries public The government has promised to implement 21 recommendations from an IBAC report by June 2024 The Operation Watts investigation — a joint probe between the state's ombudsman and the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission — uncovered rampant nepotism and the widespread misuse of public resources within the Victorian Labor party. "There's no reason why the government couldn't make a good start on it this year and have an integrity commissioner appointed early next year," Dr Read told the ABC. " "For years, there's been concern about inadequate integrity measures in the Victorian government and parliament — it's just happened to intensify over the past couple of months," he said.

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