What A cracker of a chocolate!
Deccan ChronicleThe festival of lights is here and so is that time of the year when the country’s contribution to the carbon footprint is significantly high. We make both milk and dark chocolate, and also customise with nuts and flavours for those who want it customised.” Speaking about the inception of this brilliant idea Priya says, “We can’t think of Diwali without firecrackers. The bonus is, no animals or humans are harmed in the making or using of these products and they make for excellent gifts.” When asked about how essential it is for people to lead an Eco-friendly lifestyle Priya says, “That’s almost as crucial as oxygen. I even go as far as to drop off deliveries and encourage people to come pick up their orders to avoid excess packaging in the form of plastic.” Priya began making chocolates in 2013 she says, “Initially, it was for my family. We need to constantly keep in mind that we don’t overdo the consumption cycle.” Stating a few alternatives to bursting crackers she adds, “You can rather Meet people, revive friendships and relive the old times, light lots of lamps, dress up in traditional clothes, gift cracker chocolates and simply enjoy the festive fervour!” Speaking about what’s next for this awesome chocolatier she chuckles, “Halloween, Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s day, Women’s day, the wedding season!