Mueller report is quite the page-turner (opinion)
CNNEditor’s Note: Sign up to get our new weekly column as a newsletter. … Indeed, if this is a ‘good’ report for the President, it is hard to imagine what a bad one would look like.” But for a Republican commentator, the report’s findings were more than enough reason to turn the page: “It’s a painful pill for Trump critics to swallow, but ill-advised is not illegal, unsavory is not unlawful, and chaos is not a conspiracy,” observed Alice Stewart. Journalist Jill Filipovic observed that the attorney general appeared to be trying to make excuses for Trump’s behavior, as described in the Mueller report, because of what he called Trump’s “sincere belief that the investigation was undermining his presidency.” A woman under those circumstances would be accused of surrendering to her emotions and wouldn’t get any sympathy. And so will I.” Lessons of rebuilding Tom Stiglich/Creators Syndicate, Inc That same spirit emerged in the words of people connected with two American churches that are rebuilding after fires: Christine Behnke, parish education director of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church UAC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, wrote: “After watching a news report about Notre Dame Monday, I went and stood in Trinity’s dark, damp, scarred sanctuary. “After my grandfather immigrated to the US, he insisted that every Seder end with his own, booming Yiddish-accented rendition of ‘God Bless America.’ I will sing this at our Seder and also hope that migrants and other immigrants in peril can sing it here and live comfortably in the open.” Don’t miss these: • Brandon Tensley: The real power of ‘pulling a Beyoncé’ • Thomas Maier: The evidence that the US government got into the assassination business • Jill Filipovic: ‘Selfie’ deaths: Don’t blame victims • Samantha Vinograd: Trump’s third date with Kim will likely be as unsuccessful as the last one • Steven Mnuchin: The Tax Cuts and Jobs act is working • Peggy Drexler: Georgia Engel, Mary Tyler Moore’s sidekick, showed that spacy can be smart How to save the planet China National Space Administration As Earth Day approaches on Monday, it’s worth focusing on the crucial role of farming in determining the health of the planet.