EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: King Charles's friendship with Jimmy Savile is further confirmed by the revelation that after Prince Harry's birth he was included in a long list of potential godfathers
1 year, 5 months ago

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: King Charles's friendship with Jimmy Savile is further confirmed by the revelation that after Prince Harry's birth he was included in a long list of potential godfathers

Daily Mail  

King Charles's friendship with Jimmy Savile is further confirmed by my disclosure here that after Prince Harry's birth in 1984 he had been included in a long list of names of potential godfathers. King Charles's friendship with Jimmy Savile is further confirmed by my disclosure here that after Prince Harry 's birth in 1984 he had been included in a long list of names of potential godfathers. Alan Rusbridger, editor of Prospect magazine, must have hoped commissioning fellow anti-Brexiteer Lionel Barber to interview Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey would elicit a full-throated condemnation of Britain's EU exit Dame Judi Dench's current squeeze, red squirrel breeder David Mills, had hurdles to jump when he first met Judi's friend, actress Helena Bonham Carter at a London luvvie gathering. Dame Judi Dench's current squeeze, red squirrel breeder David Mills, had hurdles to jump when he first met Judi's friend, actress Helena Bonham Carter at a London luvvie gathering How fares Matthew Rhys's acting career since his triumph as Perry Mason?

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